University of Colorado Boulder
September 2020 - May 2024

Bachelors in Strategic Communications with an emphasis in Creative
Advertising. Minor in Business


Young Ones Merit Award

Peta Brands Behind Bars Integrated Campaign - April 2023
Dove’s Real Beauty Database Integrated Campaign - April 2024
Dove Beauty on the Inside - April 2024


Ogilvy - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
July 2023 - August 2023
Creative Intern

OMD - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
May 2023 - June 2023
Design & Social Media Intern

University of Colorado Boulder, LA Program - Boulder, Colorado
April 2022 - June 2024
Visual Designer


A flower. Shy. Hidden at first… Til it blooms. 

When I was younger I didn’t like my name at all. But recently I’ve found meaning in it. 

For my first 18 years, I lived in the Dominican Republic. It was beautiful. Comfortable. Easy. Yet, I always craved the unknown. So it wasn't until I decided to venture to the U.S. for my studies that I truly began to flourish. I started a new life filled with new experiences. The culture, the language – everything was different. I grew into a person my old life wouldn’t even recognize. 

I suppose I blossomed.

With each challenge I faced and every opportunity I seized, I felt myself growing stronger, more open, more vibrant. That shy young island girl grew to be a bold island woman. Yeah, no one’s taking the island out of me.

And you know what? I've come to love my name. 

I’ve never met another Dahlia. Perhaps you haven't either.

Well…congrats! Now you have.

Enough about me. What’s your name?